Monthly Archives: March 2012

Pick up clean up.

Keepin clean When photographing children I never want to post a recognizable image without the parent’s permission.  This image allows me to include something from my pre-school shoot this week without risking an upset parent. I shot at f2.8 so the hands would be the only thing in crisp focus.  The rest of the scene… Continue Reading

Patience Required

I have a better appreciation for pre-school teachers I stood quietly nearby as the teacher painted several hands and then helped them to make nice prints onto their papers.  This is no place for type A neat nicks.  You have to be willing to get a little messy.  The results were very fun; the type… Continue Reading

Built in Guinea Pigs

Always available (sometimes willing) portrait subjects I have seen images in the Nikon literature with models holding this flash ring over their heads to make very unique portraits.  CJ was busy watching Monk on Netflix, but was willing to hold the ring while doing so.  Not exactly a model quality image, but very fun nonetheless.… Continue Reading

Knights, Magicians and more

A Knight in plastic armor I spent the bulk of my day at a pre-school photographing  a wide variety of subjects.  This young man above was a Knight (at least for a few seconds), there were Princesses, Astronauts and more.  Plus I was fortunate enough to be there the same day they were having a… Continue Reading

Had a fun extended family in the studio today.

The whole Fam Damily Debbie Stanley and crew were in the studio today.  We had a great time and captured some very fun images.  Afterwards the youngsters in the group joined me in our neighborhood nature preserve for some outdoor shots as well.  With Daylight Saving time kicking in, we are fast approaching the time… Continue Reading

Brooklyn was in the studio today

Brooklyn love to stand Brooklyn was in the studio today.  She isn’t walking yet, but she loves to stand and hold onto things.  We had a very fun visit and created many fun images.  This one was shot with the 4’x6′ soft box in front and above.  I wanted a relatively large working area since… Continue Reading

Ellie’s Bat Mitzvah

Ellie makes sure dad is looking sharp before her bat mitzvah begins This evening I was honored to be present for Ellie’s bat mitzvah ceremony at Temple Shir Shalom.  I usually photograph the family prior to the ceremony and then meet up with them later in the day for the party.  This evening was a… Continue Reading

Played with a new Macro Flash system today

Change photographed using the Nikon R1 macro flash kit The secret to great light is all about the relationship of the size of the light source to the subject.  When your subject is as small as pocket change, a relatively small flash can do a beautiful job of lighting it very nicely. Here is a… Continue Reading

A unique perspective makes all the differnce

Light Treatment Booth I spent half a day photographing at Livonia Dermatology Clinic today.  One of the unusual things I came across was this light treatment booth.  I wanted to get a unique perspective so I set up the Interval Timer on my Nikon D3 to give me enough time to get the camera in… Continue Reading