Outdoor Portraits in Natural Light & with Flash – Photography Workshop $45 – Saturday, June 29th

Outdoor Portraits in Natural Light & with Flash – Photography Workshop $45 – Saturday, June 29th


Outdoor portrait of a girl looking over the top of fresh flowers
Natural Light Portrait with on-camera flash

We will walk around the Rochester Park and Downtown while shooting with natural light and on-camera flash.

The plan is to begin at 9:00 at the Studio. Bob will provide a handout and walk the group through the equipment he uses for a shoot like this, and his plan for getting the best possible images. Bring your camera so you can shoot as you watch, and you will also have time to shoot your own portraits. If you have an auxiliary flash that connects to your camera bring that along also. Before we depart the studio Bob will explain the basics of working in sunlight with and without on-camera flash. Then as we walk around he will explain his reasons for choosing the assorted locations and positioning as he demonstrates, then participants will have time to shoot. Once we have worked a variety of different natural and urban setups we will return to the studio where Bob will upload his images to Lightroom and share some post-processing tips.

We do not have a model as of yet, so if you know someone that would be interested in being the model in exchange for the digital images shot by Bob please contact us. (248) 941-4859 – [email protected]

To join in follow this link, then click on the “9AM” time and fill out the enrollment form.