For todays posting I decided to play with a set of Profoto Acute 600e strobes that I borrowed from a friend. The attraction to these units is that the power comes from a power pack that sits on the floor, so the head it small and light. It makes suspending a light overhead lighter and safer.
Now on to the experiment. When shooting with strobes the key to controlling the light lies almost solely in the use of aperture. The larger the aperture the more light gets in, the smaller the aperture the less light gets in. As you close down the aperture the less the ambient light has an opportunity to impact the exposure.
As you can see in the bottom photo, I took this entire series of pictures in a fairly bright room, but the las image which was shot at f36 looks as if the room was pitch black. Only the area light by the strobe shows up.
The light was suspended directly over the subject on a manfrotto boom arm. The boom was mounted to a Manfrotto C-stand weighted with a couple of 15lb sand bags for stability.
Be plenty sure that your equipment is safe and secure before working underneath it.

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